What are Parties?

Parties are made up of people who are attending together. Groups are a collection of parties. So, a Group of 10 could be made up of 5 couples registered each in their own party and who may or may not know each other.

Usually a party is a husband and wife who register together on the same registration form, but it could include friends or family members who register on the same registration form or who request to sit together. Parties keep people together when they are moved from Group to Group.  This is why you may click on the checkbox next to someone's name and other names check as well. 

We do not recommend that everyone who are in the same Group also be in the same party. Keeping them in their own parties makes it easier for you to know who expects to be seated together, even if they need to be moved to another Group. 

Splitting up a Party 

Guests in the same party will always be moved together. However, sometimes you need to move one person, not the whole party. Here's how to quickly move one person out of a party.

  1. Mouse over the person to show the party label.
  2. Click Split from party. This will automatically move them to a brand new party of one.

    Split from Party
  3. Edit Party opens the party manager for that group. From there you can drag and drop guests into an existing party or move guests into a new party.

    Edit Party
  4. You can also edit parties from the chevron [v] menu.

Combining parties

Sometimes members of a party, like spouses, register separately and their parties need to be combined. To add a spouse to an existing registered party, they first need to be in the same group. If they are not already registered, use the Register Person icon to register them. 

  1. Once they are in the same group, mouse over the person and click on the Party icon.
  2. Select Edit Party.
  3. From the Party Manager, check the box next to the person you want to move, and then drag them to the party they are joining.